Hourglass Body Shape

 Hourglass Characteristics

  • Shoulders slightly round
  • Hips and bust are of the same width
  • Defined and small waist
  • Hips and bottom are rounded
  • Thighs are bigger
  • Weight gain is distributed evenly throughout the body


How to Style the Hourglass

The focus should always be on the waist. Hourglass is balanced naturally with a defined waist. The key to dressing this body type is to follow its natural silhouette by evenly dressing the top and bottom of the body while accentuating the waist.

Do not unbalance the body frame by making it heavy either on the top or bottom. 

Natural Silhouette – maintaining the body’s naturally balanced proportions without drawing too much attention to only the lower or upper body.

  • Invest in a good bra
  • Show the right clothing to show off your curvy silhouette
  • Go for clean and simple garments, that don’t clutter up the silhouette
  • Do not draw to much attention to the shoulders and hips to maintain the natural balance of your body’s silhouette
  • Avoid boxy styles and straight cuts, that hide the waist
  • Steer clear of loose and shapeless clothing as well as eye-catching embellishments



Necklines must not unbalance the natural silhouette of the hourglass body by either visually widening the shoulder line or adding unnecessary volume to it (e.g. embellishments)


Slightly rounded styles are great – such as oval, deep oval, rounded or jewel necklines. Because they are not extremely wide or narrow, they don’t draw any attention to them. Lower and wider necklines – such as scoop or sweetheart necklines, will show off your bust.


If you want to avoid showing off your bust, steer clear of wide necklines, boat and square necks, as well as high necklines